Here it is:
1. Bust a Move/young MC
I could not get enough of this song in the nineties. It was my evergreen. I remember clearly thinking that listening to it made me feel young--when I was 12 years old.what's up with that?
2. Closer to free/the indigo girls
3. Jane Says/janes addiction
God knows what I was thinking every time I popped this ditty on and danced around my room. Because that's what I did. I've read the Spin all about janes addiction at this point, and unwillingly absorbed info from the many accidental viewings of VH1:Behind the Music--Janes Addiction (and my god, is there anything worse than seeing THE Jane chatting it up, divulging every little detail, and about as alluring and sexy as a 6'2" fat tranny named bob in a bunny costume).
All I knew then was It was a song about Jane, and what she said, and a guy named Sergio doing something tomorrow, and that one day I would grow up and be in on it.
4. Sometimes I rhyme slow sometimes I rhyme quick/nice n' smooth
Oh whaaat? Where did this come from? Where in the hell between listening to the indigo girls and learning whole the theme song for the spanish language edition of the fresh prince of bel air I recorded this little beauty. I STILL LOVE IT. I still only listen to the shallow, shouted-into-the-mic first half of the song (nice) and skip over the second half of the song (smooth) because the second half, while technically better, is frankly a big fucking drag. he needs to dump that chick.
Oh my god, I'm exhausted and I need to paint my nails. No more mix tape thoughts tonight. Just looking at it is work enough--the thing is a god-damn beast! 23 songs. My nintendo must have been broken the day I made it.