Monday, December 20, 2010

crazy old monarchies

I wish I lived in the time of the Tudors. It was exciting in the 1400s. One false move and blammo! There goes your head. It would make life much more taut! and tight! No? Every day would have a bit more sizzle, an urgency to it that lacks in today’s world, where everyone walks around like zombies unless you’re in the audience of Oprah’s favorite things episode, in which case you are crying and confused and screaming and generally going completely out of your mind. I love watching those people, it’s so rare seeing genuine, unfiltered emotion. It’s alarming to witness! Which says a lot about how contrived everything else is. where am I going with this. I don’t know… but anyway, they also seemed to have a lot more money back then. They made houses out of gold and forks had emeralds stuck all over them. I wouldn’t mind that, not a bit. No one does stuff like that today.

I’m very interested right now in the family Monarchies. Because they’re all very weird. They’re much more human and relatable to me than any modern monarch or celebrity around now. I’m reading right now about Joanna the Mad, who was the daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain (who sent Columbus over here) and the sister of Katherine of Aragon, King Henry VIII’s first wife, who by the way was an all around Perfect 10 of a woman, FYI. She gets knocked to the wayside by Ann Boleyn in the history books, but KofA was apparently a mega-hot red-head and really brilliant. Joanna the Mad, not so much.
God, it must suck to go down in history with that nickname. 

PS i have no photos to illustrate this rather random post so I'm just going to slap on a bunch of even more random photos on it, to really make sure this in no way makes sense.

the doomed love of Axl Rose and Stephanie Seymour", part 1

I love, love, love doomed romance. I was probably the only person who was kind of excited and thrilled when Cathy died in Wuthering Heights because Heathcliff was still alive, so now things were going to get really weird, because there was still like a hundred pages of the book left. He was so weird and tortured to begin with, so now that she was dead I was like, oh man, how far can he take it? It's just SHOWTIME!

When I was little I was obsessed with the fraught romance of Axl Rose and Stephanie Seymour.
When Axl met Steph he apparently told someone "I got hit by a Mack truck, and the license plate reads 'Seymour.''" 

The chick tattooed on his arm is super-hot

If they were together today they would be called "Sexl"
Because convinced that they're love was THE GREATEST LOVE IN THE WORLD they went, hey, why don't we make an epic music video trilogy starring us to prove it?

And even though they didn't make it long enough to complete that trilogy together, and Axl starred in Estranged with himself, a monogrammed hightop sneaker, and animatronic dolphins, Steph's absence from the video is obvious, so clearly felt that she might as well be careening wildly around, waving a handgun, jumping off giant army ships and being busted by a SWAT team right alongside of Axl the whole time.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Beige or Grey?

BEIGE OR GREY!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!
God damn it, this is important!

Lost Boys: best movie ever

i love this guy!
Hello everyone. The Lost Boys is perfect. Joel Schumacher and Jeffery Boam = shining gold gods, big time, in my books. Joel Schumacher (ehh, I dont think I spelled that right) wins my golden fleece award for the fact that he is both quoted all over the place in Jean Stein's ne plus ultra perfect book Edie: An American Girl (he was friends with Edie! He knew Edie! Whoa!) and the man CREATED this movie. Oh, and he also did Flatliners, which I was oddly obsessed with at age fourteen and saw in theaters five times, because I was obsessed with Keifer Sutherland. The screemwriter, Jeffrey Boam also wrote Indian Jones and the Last Crusade, which I spent all weekend google researching for some reason. This movie is solid gold!

Sam meeting the Frog brothers is maybe my favorite movie moment ever. I think Corey Haim was thirteen or fourteen when he did this movie and in my world, he's won a billion academy awards.
This is the foreign film poster. It looks dangerous. 

This is the US poster. Iconic, but a bit meh. I'm not mad about David's sunglasses to be honest.
This is my first blog entry and I have no idea how to lay this out in an attractive way yet, and my thoughts are not coming quite as easily as I'd hoped so I'm thinking i'm going to have to do a little radio podcast with my best friend T about the Lost Boys and really hash this thing out. Which means that we will have to also hash out Purple Rain because T is unhealthily obsessed with Purple Rain--I mean, in a really charming way. T is nothing but charming. But she does have a tattoo of that crying eye on her body. But mind you I have a tattoo of the Turkish flag on me. I am not Turkish. Lesson being: Research your intended tattoo symbol before you permanently apply it to your body. Okay, thank you for reading! I'll be back with more!
Topics I intend on covering:
How to spot a hooker in expensive Beverly Hills Hotels
Great moments in Bad Movies
Terrible cover versions of awesome songs
Crazy things me and my friends I do to look hot.
How to make an awesome Brigitte Bardot Pouf Hairdo, followed by a deep discussion of Roger Vadim's amazing book, Bardot, Deneuve, Fonda
Ranking the 20 hottest Rolling Stones Girlfriends of all time
Ranking the 10 hottest Beatles girlfriends of all time (only 10-- less material to work with)
Who would win in a cage match if we pitted the top 5 Stones GF's against the top 5 Beatles GF's

And so much more!!!!!